Gone are the days when all my boys want to be dressed up as cute characters. Wehave moved intot he realm of blood and guts and really scary looking things. Oh how I miss the days of "eeyore and tigger". Goodbye "pooh" forever. Maybe I can still convince Vance though.
When we first moved into our house, I swore that I was going to have a "spook alley" in my basement because it seemed like the perfect layout for one. Three years later, I finally did it. It took a lot of work, but the screams and laugh were all worth it. We have now decided to do it every year. I have really taken to Halloween, there are so many fun things you can do for a party. This year, was our first party and we: bobbed for apples (who cares about germs huh), made mummies, had a spook alley and ate lots of cookies etc. We promised to out do ourselves next year. The boys had 5 friends sleep over ( this was scarier than the spook alley) - at about 2am after much screaming and pillow fighting ( I thought only girls did that), I had to put an end to the festivities. We had a lot of fun, but were pretty exhausted the next day....... Thank goodness Halloween is only once a year. Does anyone else hate raking up leaves??????
Your spook alley was the best! Nate had such a fun time at your party. Thanks for going through all that work! Love the nun costume, by the way!
Sister Kelly you look great! Holly crap that is a very scary costume, they are all grown up!
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