Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy First Birthday Little Landon

I cannot believe that Landon is one already. I want him to be a baby forever. Lo and behold he is turning into a very strong willed little boy. He is so curious about everything, always looking around and observing people and things. He is so chattery also. His brothers amuse him to know end - he is so adored in our family.

Fallin into Fall

I love the change of seasons. Something about the air makes me feel in the holiday spirit. It is warm and cozy inside and I love decorating for the holidays.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First Day of School

Talk about making things complicated, I have 3 of my boys in different schools. I originally put Mac and Tootie in the same school, but when I went to Back to School Night, I just felt that Vance should not be there. Call it Mother's intuition( which I like to follow). The class was tiny with a first, second and third grade split. Vance needed more kids and only kids his age. So I was scrambling to come up with a good school for him.

Lo and Behold, Saint Sophia, his old preschool had an opening. I went right over, and felt really good about sending him back there. So now, most of my time is spent coordinating schedules and running between schools. Lucky Colton is still at Butler, and can take the bus. I don't think that I will do this again next year though. Hopefully Mac will be ready for Butler, and Tootie can go to our local school. It is awfully cute to see them in their uniforms though - it makes getting dressed pretty simple.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I love the ocean

I really love the smell of salt in the air and the soothing sound of the waves. It feels like I am going home (having grown up by the beach. landon did not know what to think of the sound. Initially he tried to eat it, then realized that was not a good idea. He loves the water though (no matter how cold). Pax got to take Cole boogy boarding, and one day there was a whole pod of dolphins heading up and down the water, right where they were boarding. SO COOL. Mac and Tootie spent most of their time digging in the sand. It was a great vacation. As always, I loved Sea World, and the boys had a great time at Legoland. Their greatest event was riding Atlantis, and getting a lego set at the store (which I could have done in Salt Lake.) All in all, a good vacation, except for the drive that I had to make both ways without Pax. Next time I am flying....

Friday, August 20, 2010

San Diego, Cali

We finally got a much needed vacation to California. Unfortunately, I got to drive down with the boys while Pax flew (something about a golf tournament). After a day in St George, we drove to Cali with Ash. It was a horrendous drive with little Lando crying and the drive taking forever. After finally arriving there, we couldn't get in the house because the code was wrong - not starting this vacation on a good foot. We got everything sorted out, and were able to have a lot of fun. The ocean was beautiful with the boys body surfing with dolphins on Mission Beach. Boys loved Lego land and Landon was just great. The beach was thoroughly relaxing, with gorgeous tempretures. Pax loved boogy boarding. Colton suggested we moved to San Diego after the week was up...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy 6th Birthday Tootie

Just as I get us to my new teenager, a week later, Tootie turns 6. HELP! I don't want my boys to grow up. Their birthdays are bitter sweet for me. They are a lot of fun though. Tootie had a 22 foot slide, cotton candy, sno cones, and water. He has the cutest little friends - girls and boys. He loves playing with the girls too - my little casanova. He was so exhausted at the end of the day, but had such a blast. It is always worth all the work and effort.

My Teenage Son

It seems so hard to believe that Colton is already 13 years old. I still have such vivid memories of him being a baby. He has become the typical young teenager, always looking somewhat pained and when i ask what is wrong, "Nothing." ,is the usual respons Time to prepare myself. He is a good kid though and such a great helper to me.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Love our Condo

It has always been alot of fun for us to spend time in St George. Especially with ALexia and her family there. Getting our condo down there was one of the best things we were able to do. Winter, Fall and SPring are great times to be down there. SUmmer, however is way too hot for us. We were down there this week, and it was 107 degrees. Only thing to do is spend time in the pool. I was really worried about Landon because he is so fair. Even with 50 SPF, he still managed to get his little arms burned. Worse thing, was Mac not putting sunscreen on his shoulders because he forgot to wear his swim shirt. He got a really bad burn and had to stay out of the sun for the last few days. It is always fun for the boys to play with Markham and Jonah who they really love.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life Passes Us By

It has been a long year for me. I have spent a lot of time serving on the PTA, and have spent that time lugging poor little Landon every where with me. He has literally spent his first year at school, in meetings or at activities. He has been such a good sport about it. But I think, in all my distraction, he seems to have grown up way too quickly. I look at him now, and see a little boy, not a baby anymore. He is cutting his third tooth, learnt to sit up one day, and started crawling all over the place. This week he is trying to pull up on everything. I don't want this too go by so quickly - the are little for such a short time. I know he is going to be a little mover, because from day one in my tummy, he was constantly turning, kicking and moving everywhere. On delivery day, they constantly had to move the monitors because he was flipping every where. He is such a delight in our family though. Mac gets him to laugh like no other. My boys are all so different yet amazing in their own right.

Monday, May 31, 2010

In Memory

Paxton wanted to take us up to his grandfathers grave for Memorial Day. Macoy has the middle name of "John" after Paxton's grandfather, "John Henry Webster". He taught Pax how to golf, and spent a lot of time with his grandkids, supporting all their sporting events etc. macoy was actually very excited to go and see the grave stone. I remembered slightly where the grave had been from the funeral 12 years ago. I offered $ 5.00 to the boy who could find it. WOuldn't you knw, that mac was the one to find it. He was so excited. Paxton sat at the grave and told some stories about his grandfather to the boys - it was actually very sweet. they especially loved how grandma was nicknamed "Windy" because she was so gassy. Good Times.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Mama's Boys

My boys are so adorable. I know every Mom says that, but they still let me give them hugs and kisses. Macoy says "Mom you are the best mom ever, you make super models look like Jubba The Hut." Isn't that the sweetest thing. They still all like to cuddle on our bed and watch TV together. I will enjoy it while it lasts.


I have been hoodwinked by our cockatoo. When we went to the pet store, she acted all sweet and cuddled up to me like I was her favorite. I get sucked in, buy her, and now I am her least favorite person. She gives me the evil eye. It might be because I kepon putting her back in her cage when she wants to stay out. She is a ladies man I think - she loves Macoy and Paxton. WHenever Mac goes to her cage she starts shaking and making eyes at him. She used me, that evil bird

Life is passing by

Vance had his Kindergarden graduation on Friday and I was so sad because I do not want him to go to school all day - he is my little buddie. I am suddenly very anxious about my children growing up too quickly. Landon is sitting up, has two little teeth and started to finally crawl today. Where has the last 7 1/2 months gone. Sometimes I feel I am so busy doing day to day things that I am missing the little things that my kids are doing and before I knwo it they will be gone. PTA has been so involved this year and poor little Landon has been dragged around to events and meetings and now his first year is almost gone. WHy does time go by so quickly?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So Alike

Vance and Landon look more alike than any of our other boys. It must be the red hair and big blue eyes, qlthough Vances's did turn green as he got older. Landon is much more laid back though. My MOm said she hoped Landon wan't as "cheeky" as Vance is - let's all hope that because one Tootie is plenty!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Guymon Zoo

I have too much of a soft spot for animals. If they are even slighlt cute, I want them. I spotted this bird at the pet store and kept going back to see her, until a moment of weakness. Now I have a squawking cockatoo with attitude in my house. As if 4 boys aren't enough. I will no longer go to Incredible Pets for fear of what I could bring home next. I am a pet addict

My cute Boys

Everyone asks me if I wish Landon was a girl, and although I would love a daughter, i would not trade any of my boys for one. They are loud and crazy, but they are so awesome and cute to see with their baby brother. Landon just lights up when he sees them.

Our growing family

I can't believe that Landon is 6 months old and I am almost finished with my PTA Presidency. Time has been flying by, and I want to make it stop because I am so enjoying having a baby. He is a little sweetheart, so easy natured, allowing me to take him everywhere with me. He has to be the school mascot, because I have had him there since he was born.