Thursday, August 28, 2008

A sad day

Two weeks ago we came home to find our sweet bunny, Daisy had passed away. We had a burial and some sweet words in our back yard at which time, in my grief, I promised Mac another bunny. Pax said no way, but of course that meant nothing - we always tell him after the fact, or see how long it takes for him to figure out that there is a new pet in the house. Anyhoo, Mac and I spent quite a bit of time at pet stores and one line looking for just the right bunny. Low and behold, a visit to KSL Classifieds ( great place), stopped us in our tracks as we saw some of the cutest white lion head bunnies ever. We called and said we wanted one even though they were in Brigham City. Hey, for something that cute I was prepared to drive up there. Luckily another person was buying one of the bunnies, so we met in Bountiful. The other person never shows up, and I come home with not ONE, but TWO bunnies. Do you think Paxton will notice?


Jessica said...

I'm sorry to hear about Daisy. Those are cute bunnies! You are crazy, adding to your menagerie! Brett's mom has a black lion head rabbit.

The Gilbert Bunch said...

I don't think Paxton will notice until you have baby bunnies! How was your trip?